Crayons and Spice: Let’s Create Something Nice

Welcome to Crayons and Spice!

I am so glad that you are here and I hope that you leave motivated and equipped to start creating with and for your child. Keep scrolling to see my most recent posts, explore the top menu, or search for a specific idea in the search bar below. Enjoy!

Recent ideas from Crayons and Spice:

  • Toddler DIY Christmas Ornaments Made From Wood Slices

    Toddler DIY Christmas Ornaments Made From Wood Slices

    These toddler DIY Christmas ornaments were so much fun to make, I forgot to take pictures! How is that for a sales pitch? But really, I got so into making both mine and helping my daughter make hers, that I completely forgot. When my family all got together for a week, we wanted to do…

  • Make an Easy Morse Code Bracelet to Teach Thankfulness

    Make an Easy Morse Code Bracelet to Teach Thankfulness

    Kid activity ideas come from the strangest places. Does your pediatrician give you the Ages and Stages Questionnaires? On the 2 year old one it asks if they can string small objects onto a string. At the time, I had never tried this with my daughter. So, the morning of her appointment we tried it.…

  • How to Paper Mache a Toilet Paper Mummy

    How to Paper Mache a Toilet Paper Mummy

    I was convinced that my 2 1/2 year old daughter would love paper mache. She loves crafts, glue, and balloons, so I was sure it was going to be a hit. With Halloween quickly approaching, I had the brilliant idea to paper mache a toilet paper mummy with her. To make it more mummy-like, I wanted…

  • Upgrade Your Child’s Lovey to First Class For $1.25

    Upgrade Your Child’s Lovey to First Class For $1.25

    I am very blessed that my two kids handle the car well. Where I grew up everything was 10 minutes away at most. The town I went to college was the same way. After graduating and getting married, I moved to the Denver area and thought with it being bigger everything would be closer. Instead…

  • My Toddler’s 4 Step Guide on Making a Tissue Ghost

    My Toddler’s 4 Step Guide on Making a Tissue Ghost

    I had so much fun teaching my 2.5 year old daughter how to make a tissue ghost this morning. Making tissue ghosts are a throwback to my own childhood. I’m not sure where I learned to make them, but I made a lot of them when I was a kid. One year I made one…

  • How to Make a Portable Mailbox and 5 Reasons Why

    How to Make a Portable Mailbox and 5 Reasons Why

    Writing letters is a bit of a lost art. With phones and computers there is rarely a true need to write a letter. While normally not needed, an actual letter can mean a whole lot to a person. A text can be saved, but not in the same way as a letter. Receiving an email…

  • Laminated Paper Doll Made to Look Like a Lovey

    Laminated Paper Doll Made to Look Like a Lovey

    How did you spend your morning? I spent mine sneaking around our downstairs feeling like a fugitive. I started out in the laundry room. When I heard my daughter coming down the stairs, I frantically came out and tried to distract her. After I finally convinced her to go upstairs, I ran to the couch…

  • Your Toddler Needs You to Make Them a Lovey Backpack

    Your Toddler Needs You to Make Them a Lovey Backpack

    Are there times you wish you could bring your child’s lovey somewhere, but you are afraid it will end up on the ground, in a puddle, or being hugged by a coughing friend? Or even worse….lost forever. I run into this problem ALL the time. My 2 1/2 year old daughter is very attached to…