Crayons and Spice: Let’s Create Something Nice

Welcome to Crayons and Spice!

I am so glad that you are here and I hope that you leave motivated and equipped to start creating with and for your child. Keep scrolling to see my most recent posts, explore the top menu, or search for a specific idea in the search bar below. Enjoy!

Recent ideas from Crayons and Spice:

  • Painting With Your Baby: The Easy and Clean Way

    Painting With Your Baby: The Easy and Clean Way

    Painting with your baby? Is that even possible? Believe it or not, there is actually a way for your baby to paint without any mess. I came up with this idea when I heard about how lots of people were painting with their dogs. A couple years ago people were putting paper and paint in…

  • Should You Make Your Child’s Lovey a Sleep Sack?

    Should You Make Your Child’s Lovey a Sleep Sack?

    I am only 28 and I already have a granddaughter. Her name is Lumpy, she weighs 4 oz, and she is an elephant blanket lovey. My 2 1/2 year old is a great mom. She gives Lumpy naps, baths, and diaper changes every day. Being the concerned elephant-mom she is, one night at bedtime she asked…

  • How to Make an Entertaining Toddler Notebook

    How to Make an Entertaining Toddler Notebook

    This morning my mother-in-law started back up a ladies’ Bible class that had taken a break for summer. It was across town with no babysitting, but there was a virtual option I could use. It was scheduled during my baby’s nap, but I still had the problem of keeping my toddler daughter entertained. I could…

  • How to Paint With a Toddler

    How to Paint With a Toddler

    Do the words painting and toddler in the same sentence make you shudder? They don’t have to. With a couple precautions, a painting project with your toddler can be easy, fun, and not too messy. If you don’t believe me, keep reading about how to paint with a toddler. If you have a baby, check…

  • Free Space Themed Sticker Chart Printable

    Free Space Themed Sticker Chart Printable

    We just got through another bout of two year old testing from my daughter. Being tired of always getting her in trouble, I started using sticker charts to have a way to reward her as well. I started off with a sticker chart I found online, but it took 30 stickers to get a prize.…

  • 5 Ways to Get Fabric For Free or Cheap

    5 Ways to Get Fabric For Free or Cheap

    When my oldest started taking reasonably lengthened naps and I started getting sleep at night, I found myself wanting to make things. I had worked full time before my daughter was born and was still new to being at home during the day. I started out ambitious and wanted to make clothes for my daughter.…

  • Get Your Toddler to Make a Quesadilla

    Get Your Toddler to Make a Quesadilla

    My two and half year old daughter loves to help me cook in the kitchen. There are definitely lots of pieces she can’t help with, but when I put my mind to it there are often things I can have her do. Getting your toddler to make a quesadilla is a great and safe way…

  • DIY Baby Toy That is Easy, Fun, and Crinkly

    DIY Baby Toy That is Easy, Fun, and Crinkly

    What are you doing right now? Obviously you are at least considering making a DIY baby toy. But if I had to take a guess, you are doing something else as well. Are you watching a movie, eating a snack, hiding from your kids in the bathroom? As adults we often need multiple stimuli to keep…