Crayons and Spice: Let’s Create Something Nice

Welcome to Crayons and Spice!

I am so glad that you are here and I hope that you leave motivated and equipped to start creating with and for your child. Keep scrolling to see my most recent posts, explore the top menu, or search for a specific idea in the search bar below. Enjoy!

Recent ideas from Crayons and Spice:

  • Easy to Make Ball Themed 2nd Birthday Cake

    Easy to Make Ball Themed 2nd Birthday Cake

    No kid’s birthday is complete without a cake (or another special dessert). My son just turned two and we themed his birthday around his love for balls. To go with our fun ball shaped food, decorations, and activities, I covered his cake in colorful (and yummy) balls. I have a tradition of making my kid’s…

  • Ball Themed Birthday Party For My 2 Year Old

    Ball Themed Birthday Party For My 2 Year Old

    One of my son’s first words was ball. He has always loved balls and gets very excited every time he sees them. So, for his second birthday we made him a ball themed birthday party. With a baby on the way and feeling like we just finished with the holidays, I wanted to keep it…

  • Simple No-Sew Bear DIY Costume for Kids (or Adults)

    Simple No-Sew Bear DIY Costume for Kids (or Adults)

    My three year old daughter loves the story We’re Going on a Bear Hunt. She will lead all of the kids from church (even up to 10 years old) on bear hunts through the building. When I asked her what she wanted to be for Halloween, she said she wanted to be bear. Being a…

  • Q is for Quail Craft: Q-tips

    Q is for Quail Craft: Q-tips

    Now that we are getting closer to the end of our animal alphabet crafts, we are getting to some harder letters. If you have seen any of our other alphabet crafts, you already know that we use craft supplies that start with the letter we are working on. There aren’t many craft supplies that start…

  • P is for Panda Craft: Pepperoni Pizza

    P is for Panda Craft: Pepperoni Pizza

    My three year old daughter has loved pandas pretty much since she could talk. I don’t fully remember how it started, but I know she wanted to check out all panda books the first time we went to the library. For our P alphabet craft, I wasn’t thinking and we did P is for pig.…

  • A Pretend Zoo Made From a Cardboard Box

    A Pretend Zoo Made From a Cardboard Box

    Is your house a zoo? I mean, does your house need a zoo? My two kids (1.5 & 3.5) both love zoos and making things, so I was confident they would love making a pretend zoo. It was so simple and fun to make and it is also simple and fun to play with. And…

  • P is for Pig Craft: Popsicle Sticks, Pom Poms, Pipe Cleaners, and Pink Paint

    P is for Pig Craft: Popsicle Sticks, Pom Poms, Pipe Cleaners, and Pink Paint

    My three year old daughter’s favorite animal is a panda. And has been for a couple years. So, for our P alphabet craft we obviously did a P is for pig craft. Whoops. I didn’t even think about it until my daughter was telling Grandma about her recent crafts. She asked why we didn’t do…

  • Elmer’s Extra Strength Glue Stick Comparison Test

    Elmer’s Extra Strength Glue Stick Comparison Test

    This is the perfect time of year to stock up on craft supplies. Since school has already started, most stores have their school supplies on sale. The other day, I stumbled upon a clearance pack of Elmer’s extra strength glue sticks. Glue sticks are one of our most used craft supplies. But, there been a…