Picture of two K is for koala craft pictures made with Kool-Aid paint

K is for Koala Craft: Kool-Aid Painting

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Does anyone have an extra $4,000 laying around? After making this K is for koala craft, my three year old daughter has decided that koalas are her new favorite animal. So we obviously NEED to go see a real koala. And actually seeing one isn’t good enough. We NEED to go pet a real koala. So my three year old would really appreciate some plane tickets to Australia. Extra points if we can leave tomorrow or even later today.

All joking aside, my daughter really enjoyed making a K shaped koala with Kool-Aid paint. It was so simple (and safe to eat) that my year and a half old son got to make one too. We were even able to make a small glass of Kool-Aid and Kool-Aid playdough from the leftovers.

How to Make a K is for Koala Craft With a Letter K Craft Supply


Making the Kool-Aid Paint:

To make the Kool-Aid paint, I loosely followed The Typical Mom’s directions. I mixed Kool-Aid powder with water in small paper cups. Instead of using a whole packet I just used a little bit. I also only bought yellow, blue, and red Kool-Aid and mixed all of my colors. My daughter and I made blue-grey (blue and red), red, dark red (blue and red), and green (blue, and yellow). I wanted a more black color instead of the dark red, but oh well. My daughter helped me stir all the paints.

Picture of green, red, blue-grey, and dark red watercolors made with Kool-Aid. The packets of Kool-Aid used are laying next to them

The directions mention that Kool-Aid can stain clothes, but it doesn’t mention that it can also stain counters. I highly recommend putting a plastic tablecloth under your paints as well as putting your kids in paint clothes. We spilled some on the counter and it was really hard to get the stain out.

Painting With Kool-Aid:

Once we made our paints, it was time to use them. I drew a K shaped koala for them to paint. You can download my K is for koala craft picture for free here. I would recommend printing it out on cardstock to make it harder to tear while painting.

K is for koala craft picture with packets of Kool-Aid laying next to it

Then, we started painting. I gave my kids a paintbrush and one cup of paint to use at a time. When they wanted another color I gave them a cup of water and a paper towel to clean their brush with.

I gave my daughter the blue-grey for the body, the red for the ears, and the dark red for the eyes and nose. When she was all finished coloring in her picture, I gave her green to draw leaves with. I gave my son whatever color he wanted and he did his own thing. There were several times he snuck a lick of the “paint”. With no sugar and not enough water, he made quite the face every time he tried it.

Conclusion of K is for Koala Craft

Both kids enjoyed painting with Kool-Aid, but I wouldn’t say they had more fun than they do with normal painting crafts. However, it was more relaxing for me knowing that a paintbrush full of acrylic paint wasn’t about to end up in my son’s mouth. And it gave us our K craft supply to fit with our K is for koala craft.

Of course the craft also gave my daughter a new favorite animal. I am curious to see how long it sticks. Since we won’t be flying to Australia any time soon, my daughter will have to settle for reading “The Koala Who Could” over and over again. What is your child’s favorite animal and have they seen a real one?

At this point we have quite the variety of animal alphabet crafts. Make sure to check them out and subscribe to my weekly newsletter at the bottom of the page.

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