Crayons and Spice: Let’s Create Something Nice

Welcome to Crayons and Spice!

I am so glad that you are here and I hope that you leave motivated and equipped to start creating with and for your child. Keep scrolling to see my most recent posts, explore the top menu, or search for a specific idea in the search bar below. Enjoy!

Recent ideas from Crayons and Spice:

  • 17+ Simple Pom Pom Crafts To Make

    17+ Simple Pom Pom Crafts To Make

    After finding out that my two year old son loves crafting with pom poms, I wanted to find more fun pom pom crafts to try. I found so many that range from animals to flowers to Christmas. Some are useful, some are cute, some even use homemade pom poms. Keep reading to find the perfect…

  • How to Make an Individual Pinata Ball for Party Favors

    How to Make an Individual Pinata Ball for Party Favors

    I have enjoyed making things with paper mache for my kids’ last few birthdays. So, I wanted to paper mache something fun for my son’s ball themed birthday party as well. But, I was worried that making a normal sized ball pinata wouldn’t work well. He is only two so he can’t hit a traditional…

  • R is for Rabbit Craft: Rice and Ribbon

    R is for Rabbit Craft: Rice and Ribbon

    Several months ago, I dyed rice with my 4 and 2 year olds. We all had a lot of fun. Knowing we were going to make this R is for rabbit craft, I purposely had my kids make some pink rice. My 4 year old daughter asks 100 whys a minute, so she quickly found…

  • Polka Dot Painted Plastic Utensils and Cups

    Polka Dot Painted Plastic Utensils and Cups

    Yes, I realize I am a little crazy for hand polka dotting all the utensils and cups for my son’s ball party. But, I couldn’t find any that I liked to buy and I recently got cool acrylic paint pens that I wanted to try. It did take a while to finish all my painted…

  • Simple Pom Pom Craft Your Toddler Will Love

    Simple Pom Pom Craft Your Toddler Will Love

    This very simple pom pom craft is probably too straightforward to even need a post. But, it was a huge hit with my two year old son and so I wanted to share it with you anyways. It is a great reminder that simple can be just as fulfilling to a child. And what parent…

  • Quick and Fun Way to Paint a Polka Dot Tablecloth

    Quick and Fun Way to Paint a Polka Dot Tablecloth

    I couldn’t find a cheap polka dot tablecloth that I liked for my son’s ball themed birthday party. The one that I planned on getting, ran out of stock before I had the chance to go buy it. So, I started thinking of ideas on how to make my own. All of my ideas were…

  • Felt DIY Toy Storage For Tonies or Other Toys

    Felt DIY Toy Storage For Tonies or Other Toys

    A year and a half ago, I got my kids a Toniebox for Christmas. Since then, we have collected quite a few small Tonie figurines. Before I made this felt DIY storage system, we kept them in a box. But, my kids liked to dump them all out to put other things in the box.…

  • How to Make a Balloon Garland: Quick and Easy Tips

    How to Make a Balloon Garland: Quick and Easy Tips

    I have noticed balloon arches becoming the latest trend for parties. I always try to throw my kids unique and fun parties, but have never once considered adding a balloon arch. You know why? They are SO expensive. But, while I was planning my son’s 2nd ball party, I came across balloon tape at the…