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My son is 14 months old. He is good at eating things, throwing things, tearing things apart, walking, smiling, and pooping. None of these skills really come in handy when it comes to Mother’s Day crafts. The only craft he has made so far included him wacking a bag full of paint to make art. So, I knew whatever he “made”, his contribution wasn’t going to be huge. But, I did want him to do as much as he could. With his skill of eating things in mind, I came up with this cute and quick Mother’s Day craft.
If you have an older kid with more skills, this can still be for them. Grab the free printable below and do your own thing. They could write or draw pictures instead.
How to Make a Quick Mother’s Day Craft With a One Year Old:
- Checklist printable
- Items to glue on
- White glue
- Crayon
- Colored Cardstock
- Glue stick
The very first thing you need to do is print out the free checklist printable. I think white cardstock works better, but normal printer paper will work too.

Then, you need to gather your five items to glue on. I used a blueberry Cheerio, a piece of Chex, a melt, a picture of my son’s lovey, and a picture of me.
Now comes the hardest part. It is time to add white glue to the back of each of these items. Then, hand them to your just turned toddler and somehow get them on the paper without taking a trip to the mouth. My son did pretty good, except for the melt. The only picture I was able to get of the gluing is actually him tearing the freshly placed melt off the paper in an attempt to eat it. And no, I’m not a monster. I gave my son some non-gluey melts as a reward for helping.

Next, it’s time to get your child to fill out the checklist. I handed my son a crayon and guided him towards scribbling on the box next to me and the place for his name. Yes, I felt a little silly and egotistical making a card for myself saying that I am my son’s favorite. But, I know deep inside he wanted to color next to me anyways.

Now the hard part (AKA the kid’s part) is done. To finish up, I cut a piece of colored cardstock with my paper cutter just a little bit bigger than the checklist. I then used a glue stick to glue on the backing.

Conclusion of My Toddler’s Quick Mother’s Day Craft
As I said before, I did feel a little weird mostly making a Mother’s Day craft for myself. But, I loved being able to start my son down the road of crafting. And I do think it turned out really cute. If you like this quick Mother’s Day craft, check out what his older sister made me.