You can really see my kid’s personalities from what they chose to be for Halloween this year. We went with a family Tangled theme. My 4 year old daughter wanted to be Rapunzel so she could have pretty hair and a pretty dress. All of which she could sing and frolic around in. My 2 year old son wanted a Pascal costume because he thinks Pascal sticking his tongue in Flynn Rider’s ear is funny.
This costume ended up being the most complicated Tangled themed costume, but it was still pretty simple. My son liked the hoodie and pants that I used as a base for his costume. So, I made all the parts and pieces removable. After Halloween, we took them off and now he has a jacket and pair of sweats he really likes to wear.
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How to Make a Pascal Costume
- Green fabric
- Straight pins
- Sewing machine
- Stuffing
- Hot glue
- Velcro
- White fabric
- Brown and black felt
- Removable fabric tape (optional)
- Green hoodie & pants
- Party blower (optional)
Making Pascal Body Parts:
First, make all the parts you need for your Pascal costume. You will need a tail, eyes, head fin thing, and optionally two feet. These pieces require sewing. If you aren’t a great sewer, don’t let it intimidate you. I am definitely not a sewing pro and can do just enough to be dangerous. If you need some basic instructions check these out from WikiHow. I know you can do it!
Making the Tail
To start, you need a tail. I thought this was going to be the hardest part, but it wasn’t too difficult. First, spread your green fabric out on the ground and fold it at an angle. Cut along the edge to get your tail piece. Then, pin the edge of your tail together. Using a sewing machine, sew along the edge of the tail.

Then, cut out a circle that will fit on the end of the tail shape you just made. Also, cut out a skinny rectangle long enough to wrap around your child’s waist with a couple inches overlap.

Next, sew together the rectangle piece of fabric with just enough of a gap to be able to flip it right side out. Once you pull it right side out, use a ladder stitch to close it off. Then, pin the circle piece of fabric to the middle of the belt and sew it on.

Then, pin the circle on the end of your tail. Make sure the belt is stuffed inside the tail as you sew. Sew around the edge leaving enough space to pull it right side out.

Next, pull it right side out and stuff it full of stuffing. Sew the hole closed with a ladder stitch. Now, roll it up starting with the point hot gluing it in place as you go. I was hoping the hot glue would be enough to keep it in place, but it wasn’t. So I sewed a few stitches right where the tail separated from the rolled up part.

Lastly, add a strip of Velcro at the ends of the belt. This makes the tail fully separate from the rest of the costume. I gave the tail to my son to wear whenever he wanted once Halloween was over.
Making the Pieces for the Hood
My favorite part of this Pascal costume is the eyes. To make them, you need four circles of white fabric, two circles of green fabric, two circles of brown felt, and two circles of black felt. I used random circle shaped items in my house to trace the different sized circles. First, take your green fabric fold it in half and place it between two white circles. It will be the eyelid and folding it over makes it so you won’t have to sew it by itself at all. Then, pin and sew the white circles together leaving enough of a gap to turn them right side out.

Next, turn them right side out and stuff them with stuffing. I stuffed mine very full. Then, use a ladder stitch to close off your eyes. Finish them by hot gluing the brown and then the black circle on top. Now you have cute Pascal eyes.

Then, make the head ridge. I’m sure this has an actual name, but I don’t know what it is. First, cut a lemon shaped piece from your green fabric. Next, fold it over and sew along the edge leaving a small hole. Turn it right side out, stuff it, and ladder stitch it closed.

Lastly, add your eyes and head ridge to your green hoodie hood. At first I used removeable fabric tape, but it didn’t hold up to my crazy toddler well enough. I’m not sure if it is just getting old or the fabric didn’t work well with it. So, I hand sewed a few stitches to help keep the pieces on. They are still easy enough to take out and with the texture of the jacket you can’t tell anything was ever sewn on.

Making the Feet
The feet are going to sound awfully similar to all the other pieces. Cut four feet shapes out of your green fabric. Sew them together leaving a gap, turn them out, stuff them, and ladder stitch them shut.

Now it gets a little different. I tried three different methods to attach the Pascal feet to my son’s feet.
- Rolled up packing tape to stick them to the top of his shoes. They didn’t stay well, but maybe would have with something stronger like duct tape.
- Sewed to the top of his shoes. His favorite pair of shoes has a mesh top, so they were easy to temporarily sew the feet on. This worked, but I wanted him in warmer shoes for Halloween.
- Sewed to a long piece of ribbon and tied around his boots. This worked very well.
So, use what method works for you or skip the feet entirely.

Putting the Pascal Costume All Together:
You now have all the parts and pieces for your Pascal costume. You just need to put them together.
First, put the hoodie on with the hood up so you can see the eyes and head. Then, put green pants on and attach the tail around the waist. I threaded mine through my son’s hoodie pocket so the belt part was less visible from the front. Then, put the shoes with the feet attached on. Lastly, if you want an extra fun accessory give your child a pink or red party blower. It looks somewhat like an chameleon’s tongue and my son loved playing with his.

Conclusion of Making My Son’s Pascal Costume
My 2 Year Old Son’s Review:
My son loved being Pascal. In the week leading up to Halloween he excitedly told everyone he was going to be Pascal. He happily wore his costume the entire night. The feet bothered him for pictures earlier in the week. But, with the latest attachment method he even didn’t mind them. A lot of people didn’t get the Tangled reference all of our costumes were going for and thought he was a lizard. But either way he was cute and very happy.
My Review:
I didn’t realize quite how much sewing I was getting myself into when I started. But, even though I am not very good at sewing, the costume still turned out because every step was simple. If you are debating whether you can make this costume yourself or not, give it a try. I am proud of how cute mine turned out. Since starting this costume my son has decided that his favorite color is green. So, I am happy that I was able to take the chameleon pieces off the sweatshirt and pants so he can keep wearing them.
Make sure to check out the rest of our Tangled themed costumes and costumes from other years.