A pile of spiderweb felt toys. They are made of two pieces of white felt with spiderwebs drawn on them and then stuffed.

Spiderweb Felt Toys to Throw Just Like Spidey

What is more fun than chasing your kids around and throwing things at them? While not normally something that is OK to do, these spiderweb felt toys make it not only OK, but a lot of fun for everyone. My kids (4 & 2) have lots of fun putting on their felt Spin and Ghost Spider masks and webbing the bad guy (normally me). While “stuck” to floor I can retaliate without worrying about hurting them. The spiderwebs are not only soft, they actually fly really well.

These felt spiderwebs aren’t limited to just Spidey pretend play. They would also make cute Halloween decorations. Super size them and use them as couch pillows for October. So, don’t hesitate and learn how to make these simple and super fun felt webs.

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How to Make Felt Spiderwebs


Making the Spiderwebs:

First, trace a spiderweb pattern on your white felt and cut it out. Here is my pattern. You will need two pieces per felt toy you want to make.

Picture of two pieces of felt cut in a spiderweb shape

Next, draw a spiderweb pattern on each piece of felt with a black paint pen. Start this by drawing a line from the center of the felt out to each point of the web. Then, draw three curved lines in each wedge of the web. For other explanations on how to draw a web, check out this drawing tutorial from Wikihow. Make sure to match up your two halves before drawing your web and draw on the sides facing out.

Picture of spiderwebs drawn on two spiderweb shaped pieces of white felt

Putting Together the Felt Toys:

Now it is time to make the spiderweb toy. Put two pieces together with the web patterns facing out. Make sure they match up since my pattern is far from symmetric. Next, use a hot glue gun to glue all but the last edges together. I found that gluing 2-3 edges at a time was fast and accurate. I used glue so I didn’t have to clean off my desk to get to my sewing machine. But, sewing around the outside of these webs would work too.

Then, stuff your spiderwebs. You don’t want to overstuff them, but make sure they are pretty full. Push the stuffing as far back from the opening as you can.

Picture of a felt spiderweb toy glued on all sides but three and filled with stuffing

Finally, hot glue the last three edges. Once the glue dries, knead the spiderwebs to get the stuffing even inside the webs. Cut slightly around the edges to get rid of any pieces of felt that didn’t quite match up and glue that leaked out.

Picture of spiderweb shaped felt toys

Conclusion of My Spiderweb Felt Toys

These felt toys are a lot of fun! They were so easy to make and lots of fun to play with. It is great to have something my two year old is allowed to throw instead of constantly being told no. Even if they were to accidently hit the baby, they wouldn’t hurt her. With my kids being really into Spidey and His Amazing Friends at the moment, they are great for pretend play. For older kids I think they would make for a fun version of freeze tag. How does your family use theirs?

If you want another Spidey themed pretend play item, check out these no-sew Spidey, Spin, and Ghost Spider felt masks. And here are more crafts made with felt.

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