For my daughter’s birthday party we played a game themed around each of the original Paw Patrol pups. Coming up with Rocky’s was the hardest. I wanted it to involve reusing everyday objects, but not be too complicated for the toddlers at her party. All the Party Ideas had the idea of using old crafting supplies to make something. I liked this idea, but wanted to adapt it into a game where the kids could gain a prize. With all this in mind, I came up with this Rocky Paw Patrol party game.
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How to Make a Rocky Paw Patrol Party Game
- Random “junk” – pool noodles, pipe cleaners, tape, popsicle sticks, toilet paper rolls, clothespins, etc.
- Prizes (Or make my DIY pup badge necklaces)
- 3 green balloons
- Laminator (optional)
Setting Up Your Rocky Paw Patrol Game:
This game was the easiest to set up out of all my Paw Patrol themed games. First, find a spot you can hang or place your prizes out of reach of the kids. I initially wanted to hang my pup badge necklaces on a tree. But, there was too much snow on the ground to easily get to any of our trees. Instead, I placed them part way up my husband’s climbing wall in our garage. Obviously a climbing wall isn’t in everyone’s house, so get creative. Any area that is taller than the kids playing the game that you can attach or set prizes will work.
Then, get your prizes and hang or set them in your high up area. If you have a wide age (and therefore height) range of kids like we did, place some prizes higher than others. For our prizes, I made Rocky pup badge necklaces. They hung really easily.
Lastly, fill up a container with “junk”. Try things like pool noodles, pipe cleaners, tape, popsicle sticks, toilet paper rolls, clothespins, etc.

Making a Rocky Sign:
Next, make your game obvious (especially if it is away from other games in a random tree) by making a cool Rocky sign. To start, tie three green balloons together. Then, tape on a picture of Rocky and instructions to play the game. I laminated both, but that is optional. Here is where I got my Rocky picture and here is a free download of the instructions to all my Paw Patrol games.

Playing the Rocky Game:
Playing the game is very simple. Have the kids use what is in the container to make something to retrieve their prize. Let them be creative and as long as it works it counts. They can make something long enough to push it off, throw something to knock it off, or any other creative thing they come up with.
Conclusion of My Rocky Paw Patrol Party Game:
For all my other games, I used them as part of a bigger mission game. When I sent out invitations, I had the kids tell me their favorite pup when they RSVPed. Nobody said Rocky, so we only played this game on its own later on. Only a few kids played it then, and they were able to make something to retrieve a badge. Watching what kids come up with is so fun. They don’t have the same reservations as adults, so they come up with the most creative ideas. What would you build?
Check out the rest of my Paw Patrol party ideas including the games for the other 5 pups. This is the last post on my daughter’s Paw Patrol party, but scroll to the bottom and subscribe to get other fun craft and future party ideas. Right now my son (he has the next birthday) is thinking trash trucks for his theme. He is insistent that these trash trucks shoot Lucky Charms, so there should be some very interesting ideas.