Picture of a Chase Paw Patrol themed party game. On the left are three blue balloons with directions and a picture of Chase taped to them. On the right is a picture of the game itself with a chalk river in the middle of a pipe cleaner grappling hook and pup badges. A cut out picture of the grappling hook is at the bottom

Chase Paw Patrol Party Game: Chase’s Grappling Grab

When I was growing up, my brother had a bunch of Fisher Price knight and pirate toys. One of them was a little rowboat with a grappling hook that shot out. I remember how fun it was to shoot and try to grab things with. So, when I was thinking up a fun Chase game for my daughter’s Paw Patrol birthday party, my mind immediately went to grappling hook. Learn how to make a simple grappling hook and set up this fun Chase Paw Patrol party game.

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How to Make a Chase Paw Patrol Party Game:


How to Make the Pipe Cleaner Grappling Hook:

First, take three pipe cleaners and twist them together halfway up.

Picture of three pipe cleaners twisted together at the bottom

Next, bend a very small part of each of the three pipe cleaners over so there are no sharp points. Now that they are safer, take each of them and bend them into a hook shape. Then, twist the twisted up end into a small ring. To keep the grappling hook from just unbending, coat the whole thing in school glue and let it dry.

Lastly, tie a piece of yarn to the ring and you have a kid friendly grappling hook.

Picture of a kid friendly grappling hook made from pipe cleaners for a Chase Paw Patrol party game

How to Set Up The Chase Paw Patrol Game:

Before setting up, you need a Chase themed sign. Tie three blue balloons together. Then, tape laminated directions and a picture of Chase to them. Here is a free download of the directions for all my Paw Patrol themed games.

Picture of three blue balloons tied together with a picture of Chase and rules to a Chase Paw Patrol themed game taped on

Now that you have your grappling hook and sign, you can set up the Chase party game. Use blue chalk to draw a river on the ground. Then, place your prize on one side of the river and the grappling hook and balloon sign on the other. For our prizes, I did two different things. First, for our Paw Patrol mission, I wrapped a pipe cleaner around pieces of the map leaving a ring to hook onto. Later, I placed Paw Patrol badge necklaces for them to catch. Once the prizes are set up, have the kids throw the grappling hook and try to pull a prize over the river.

Picture of a Chase Paw Patrol party game. Chase pup tag necklaces are across a chalk river from a pipe cleaner grappling hook

Conclusion of Our Chase Themed Game

I was afraid that the grappling hook wouldn’t hold up, but it worked just fine. It was nice and simple to make and it was highly effective. The game was easy for the kids to understand how to play, but it was a little harder than I meant for it to be. Making the prizes with something easier to grab would have been better. What did your kids think of this game?

Make sure to check out our other Paw Patrol themed games and all my other fun Paw Patrol birthday decorations, food, and activities.

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